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Modern Slavery Statement

What is this statement for?

This statement relates to actions and activities and our commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities.

It sets out the steps put in place with the aim of ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business and those of our supply chains. We each have a duty to be alert to the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking, however small, and staff are expected to report any concerns to management and management is expected to act upon them.


What does this statement cover?

This statement covers our business activities as a limited company providing payroll and umbrella employer services to contractors. It also covers the provision of those contractor’s services to end clients, either directly or via employment agencies, in the UK.

  • Our supply chain consists of employment agencies and end clients. Employment agencies source assignments for our contractors and the end clients provide assignments directly. We put binding contracts in place with all of our suppliers. These set out details of the assignment, its duration and the fee to be paid. 

We require any party that we deal with to comply with the law and to demonstrate that they take steps to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not present in their business and their supply chain. 


Who is responsible for our anti-slavery and human trafficking measures?

The directors are responsible for creating, implementing and reviewing our anti-slavery measures. However, all staff have a duty to be alert to risks and to report any concerns, however small, to management who are expected to act upon those concerns.

This statement is reviewed annually and revised as required and we are wholly committed to its implementation.


What measures do we take?

The measures we take are:

Policies: The directors consider best practices in the industry and generally create effective policies that meet our duties and needs. We have implemented:

  • a Whistleblowing Policy which encourages all persons to report any concerns in relation to our business and that of any of our suppliers to manage and to do so without fear of recrimination.

  • a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which sets out our commitment to acting in a responsible way in all of our business dealings.

Risk Assessments: The directors undertake risk assessments of our business and supply chains by considering the financial value of each of the revenue streams and looking at the activities undertaken to identify areas of risk. Processes, procedures and activities are reviewed to assess the impact of those on workers, suppliers and any other affected parties. Measures are taken to minimize or eliminate the impact of any risks identified.

Due Diligence: This is undertaken before contracting with new customers and suppliers and regularly thereafter and includes:

  • checking identity and business details;

  • assessing their compliance levels;

  • identifying risks and measures to manage those risks; and

  • requiring the customer and suppliers to enter into binding contractual terms to comply with all applicable laws and take measures required to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.


How do we keep up to date with requirements?

We have a training program to ensure that all our workers have a good understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. We require all staff to be trained and to undertake refresher training on an annual basis to ensure that their knowledge of this subject remains current and they remain alert to the risks and indicators of modern slavery and human trafficking.


How do we ensure we avoid Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in our business?

To do this, we:

  • pay all workers, as a minimum, the national minimum wage;

  • observe the requirements of regulations governing the working time of a worker;

  • provide full employment rights to workers;

  • require agencies and end-clients to provide rights to workers as required by law; and

  • raise awareness of all staff to be alert to signs and risks of modern slavery and human trafficking through training and implementing appropriate policies;

  • undertakes due diligence on new customers and suppliers;

  • undertakes risks assessments on its business and its supply chain; and

  • uses key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure how effective we are in ensuring slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains, such as workforce and payroll monitoring.

This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement has been approved and authorised by:

Matthew Brittain, Director

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